3 min read
When you look around the current state of our world, one could argue a lot has changed and our peace is being taken for granted by the elites, but what can we do! Can’t we come together as people and bring peace to our world? Are we gonna be led astray by greedy and hungry people who thirst for power to destroy our world? We are the ones the experience the consequences of war and conflicts much not those people up there, they will wear their suits and come console you while you’re the one who loses your loved ones and family. This is what the Brand of Indigo band, by Israeli producer Yaron Ilani, has for us on their latest single titled “Dreamer.” A song that calls for peace and ask us all to join in the quest for it. I love how he question himself if he’s still dreaming of this, like a world peace where there’s no war, no conflicts and everyone lives in peace and harmony. It may sound crazy but it’s all up to us, it starts from you.
Now this song “Dreamer” ain’t just any song. Why? Because this beautiful, powerful and thought-provoking masterpiece was birthed our the rich culture of 4 different continents. Talents from Europe, South Africa, Australia, and Israel were assembled and gave the song an amazing body of work which paints a clear picture of the power of togetherness. To me you can’t deny it’s intriguing and raw musical elements, then the way they make you feel and connects you the listener to the song’s theme and message. It’s a song that shows you that irrespective of our cultural differences, once we come together, we all can dream and achieve the impossible. The song as you listen long, reminds you of John Lennon’s iconic anti-war melodies, but then you enjoy Yaron Ilani’s heartfelt lyrics which lay emphasis on the harsh realities of conflicts, war and struggles. The song then goes on to urge listeners to stop believing in those false narratives and promises that threatens world peace. You may not know, but these people aren’t powerful without us, yes maybe we all crazy but one day we hope the world will be in harmony and have it peace without war breathing on our necks each second. At the end of the day, we are the ones that will loose our loved ones and family members, the society will crumble and everything will turn into ashes. The song with its heartfelt and deep lyrics, transports listeners into an atmosphere of contemplation and reflection on what could have been and what not. It’s a song that’s asking us all to make the world more compassionate and conflicts free.
Well what’s beautiful about this song “Dreamer” is it’s recording process. If you listen to the song, you realize how emotional and connected you get to the song, with those Aleks Dolgy’s stirring bassline striking your soul and Warren Van Wyk’s thunderous drum beats keeping you afloat, you just get consumed by the song’s atmosphere and theme after the last beatdrop. It’s a song that wants us all to come together and make the world peaceful and clean it from any form of plague that threatens its peace. So why don’t you join the fight for peace while enjoying this masterpiece. ENJOY!! Make sure to check them out on the links below for more;