5 min readSometimes I don’t know what society wants again, cos these days, it’s just messed up and you can’t understand why the society is crumbling soo much. And due to this, a lot of us have turned deaf ears to what’s going on, and we don’t even wanna be bothered with anything again, we just wanna live our life and be far away from anything that distracts us. Well we all know this band, Coma Beach and their debut album, “The Scapegoat’s Agony,” which made waves with its immersive dive into the chaotic psyche of an unnamed antihero, capturing the essence of punk rock’s raw energy and alternative rock’s introspective depth. Well the band formed in Würzburg, Germany, by the enigmatic B. Kafka (vocals), Captain A. Fear (guitar), M. Lecter (drums), U. Terror (bass), and M. Blunt (rhythm guitar), have released a beautiful EP with carefully selected tracks from their debut album and man, how did we miss such tracks on the album? Wow, I love the fact that they actually did this ,cos it’s just crazy and I love this EP. The EP titled I won’t Listen just epitomizes what the band is all about and the way they picked these tracks just makes you wanna go back to the album and listen to it again.
Now when you listen to the actual album, you realize how it laid emphasis on shock, chaos, pain, rage, and isolation. And well this EP just brings in something unique we missed on the album and trust me, you can’t skip any track. The way the EP even starts is just marvelous, then the arrangements of the tracks just makes it an even enticing masterpiece you wouldn’t wanna miss. This isn’t your typical punk rock EP, this one is a carefully selected tracks, that just takes you through the darkest moments of human experience. So embrace yourself for a beautiful rollercoaster ride, filled with thrills, chills and wonder. Setting the stage for the rest of the EP to follow is the self titled track, “I Won’t Listen.” This track starts with this nostalgic bluesy rock elements that beautifully captures listeners attention and glues them to its beautiful slow guitar strings. And just when you’ve been consumed by it’s slow melodies, the tracks takes a whole new turn and switches up its tempo, and boom you’re swayed away by the lyrics and now yeah, you agree with the lyrics and just ignores everyone. Such an amazing track that lay emphasis on the inner struggles and rejection of imposed expectations. Society can be derailing sometimes and it can break or make someone, it’s expectations if carried upon can be a hindrance to achieving ones goals. The song wants you to live life the way you want it, don’t be disturbed by what society standards or expectations, be yourself and don’t let others dictate your life. Then the song wit its repetitive refrain, “speak to me and I won’t listen,” captures the importance of standing up for yourself and doing what makes you happy instead of following what everyone is doing. Such a beautiful to grace the EP and put listeners in a corner where they would be wanting more.
The next track on the EP is the song titled “The Past of the Future”. This song starts straight into action, it comes in with some energy and drive, which creates this atmosphere of resilience in pain. The song then goes on to lay emphasis on ones painful journey through time. They only see the results but they don’t know the amount of pain, anguish and relentlessness needed to achieve that. It’s an energy driven song that creates this haunting atmosphere, which consumes the listeners and transports them into memories of emotional turmoil with its raw vocal delivery. I love the tone used in singing this one, it adds depth and makes you realize how painful and struggling it was to go through that journey. And just when you’ve been through such difficult times and struggles, you’re thrown to the next track titled “Passion”. This track which was originally featured on the band’s second demo tape, portrays the emotional struggle in finding ones feet, the pain in finding ones feet again, and the resilience to break free from this torment, man, it’s soo emotional. Then the vocals and the tone in which it was delivered, my goodness, you just can’t stop yourself from being consumed by it’s atmosphere. This is music, and that’s how you make music to strike the soul of your listeners. Coma Beach, you nailed this one and I fuck with it. One thing I loved about this track is again, the switches from low tempo to high tempo, with that emotionally charged vocals, where you could feel the voice breaking with desperation and inner conflict, with the repetitive refrain “where’s my passion”. Man, this track will break you down and make you just sing along. Bringing the EP to a beautiful ending is the track titled “Another Song”. This track tho, uses sarcasm and cynicism to cope with life’s absurdities and cruelties with its punk rock energy and drive infused with some alt rock elements that sends you repeating the whole EP again. Life can mess you up soon much that, sometimes you ask why you even exist..man, the emotional content on this EP is unmatched and one that will make you asking for more.
Well Coma Beach’s I Won’t Listen EP is one hell of an EP that will you in awe and filled with emotions. The way they craft their sounds, blend them with beautiful vocals and strikes the soul of the listener, I must say they what they think they are. The deep heartfelt lyrics, coupled with beautiful beats, intensity and drive, I can say they have made another 10/10 EP worth your ears. So why don’t you go ahead and give their EP a listen and enjoy some beautiful tracks through the weekend ahead. ENJOY!! Make sure to check them out on the links below for more;