
Music Blog, Reviews, Rising Stars & Superstars


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One thing about life is that, you can never quench a hustler’s desire, even at their lowest, they never seem to give up and that’s one thing we all should adopt. To be able to keep going even when it seems impossible and unattainable is something we all need and an attitude we ought to cultivate. Sometimes the struggles alone just becomes too much to carry and you begin to scream your lungs out, but if you give up at that moment, what has your efforts gained? So even in your darkest moments, you gotta keep going even if it makes you wanna tear up. This new song and EP titled “Scream” from Love Ghost is what we all need in such times. A track that really goes beyond normal musical boundaries with the way it infuses elements of hard rock with some hip-hop elements blended with roaring guitar riffs like that of mad max and beautiful melodies.

Now this song “SCREAM”, brings in this raw rock elements with an intensified atmosphere that leaves a lasting impression on listeners, leaving them glued and hooked till the end is one that will leave you repeating the whole EP. One thing amazing here is how Monde crafted those hard rock elements, giving the track it’s dark atmosphere needed for the listener to clinge to. What’s beautiful about this track is how it sets the tone for the rest of tracks on the EP to follow. The moment those low rock drums starts, you begin to sense the crazy ride you’re in for, then it transitions into the bigger beatdrop and it’s all banging until those guitar riffs sets in and takes you through those painful moments one experience in their life. The lyrics then goes on to lay emphasis on the inner struggles one feels and battles with, coupled with a rebellious attitude as to why they won’t just go way leaving you in a state where you wish people know what you really going through. What’s crazy is that sometimes the uneasiness that comes with inner struggles and the pain that won’t go away untill you dig into its needs, then the immediate regret after, leaving you devastated. Tell me that ain’t a beautiful way to start an EP, a track that will leave listeners glued and hooked with its infectious energy and drive, making it impossible to not check out the rest of the tracks.

Another track titled “Throw Down” is one track that’s just nuts, the beats are soo crisp and crazily addictive, then the vocals, whoa. A song that goes on about how sometimes you can be just soo down and deep in some shit that even those very close to you or your loved ones can’t even bring you back from it. This is one deep resonating track that just speaks for most of us. The track makes you feel like enough is enough and there’s no one stopping you. Those moments where you’re consumed with rage, filled with anger and you almost destroying every bridge you’ve built and you always have someone bailed you out, but this time not even that special person can pull you through. You’ve consumed everything, destroyed everything and left with regrets and needing someone to throw down. Bringing the EP to beautiful end is the track titled “Rockstar Lifestyle”. This track is really some hard rock track with the way the beats pans out. The moment you get deep into this track, you begin to realize why they put this song at last. It’s a song of hope, believe and heartbreak. Love is beautiful thing but sometimes it hurts soo bad and begins to break you. Then there’s a part of you that just doesn’t want to give up, it gives you hope thinking this time it will be different. And that’s love, you know very well when to leave, but that hope that maybe they will change, maybe when I say they shouldn’t hurt me, they will, this is what makes it even painful. Whew that’s a beautiful way to bring the EP to and end. I love the creativity, the innovation and fresh breath Love Ghost brings in the industry, just lovely.

Well this EP, SCREAM is indeed an eye opener, the creativity, the genre mix, crisp beats and the deep resonating lyrics all makes it an intriguing masterpiece. Infact a must-listen one that has no skips, with each track offering something to ponder on and live by it. To me, those collaborations brought a spark and vibes to the EP and made it unique and diverse. Bigups to all the artist, from El Verumcito to La Sinclair, Adhara, Helian Evans, and 3Angel, for bringing their creativity and innovation to this project, you guys nailed it and I love it. So why don’t you go ahead and give this EP a listen, ENJOY!! Make sure to check him out on the links below for more;





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