5 min read
Sometimes I do wonder what’s it like to be in people’s dreams and what’s it like in people’s head, then there’s this feeling to see how it will be like to live in a psychopath’s dream, but never did I thought of living in a Madman’s dream. And just when I thought I’ve seen it all, Coma Beach present the idea of how it would like to live in a mad man’s dream in their latest EP titled “Living in a Madman’s Dream”. See, this is not for the faint hearted, so brace yourself for a hectic, chaos and energy filled ride. Because this 5 track EP is about to give you one of the most interesting, intensified, energy driven ride you’ve ever taken on a song, because we are about to go crazy and enter into a world where it chaotic, emotionally draining and only the mad man can survive, so are you ready? But before that, if you don’t know Coma Beach, then you should know you don’t listen to enough music then. This band who comes from Würzburg, Germany, are known for their raw, gritty, and unapologetically confrontational way of blending punk rock and alternative rock elements into a this sound that is thought-provoking and very unsettling. So let’s jump into the EP and explore what the madman feels like.
In our quest, the first track we experienced is the lead track “A Madman’s Dream.” This track starts beautifully with this vocals that sound authoritative and with power of someone who’s charging his people and empowering them for a war. Then those gritty driving guitars kicks in and it all chaos, like in a madmax fury. The energy, the drive, the adrenaline you get when your brain begins to see things beyond humanity and makes you feel like you’re the most powerful person now, haha, your conscience just don’t click again, you just want to taste that power, and that desire has got you crazy and mad. It’s like people don’t even understand you, they don’t get whey you do things the way you do them, but only you know what you’ve seen and what controls you, and this can be a life scenario where you’re soo hungry for success that it makes you work your ass off and be soo different from everyone, they begin to question your sanity. But they all don’t get it, because you’re the only one who knows what you’ve seen or who depends on you and why you move the way you move, admitting that yes you’re going insane and that’s fine. Haha, man I love the track, the lyrics however not only depict a brainless person, but also shows how people loose their sanity, the mental decay, the feeling of knowing you’re going crazy but you love tye adrenaline it comes with. Such a beautiful track to kickstart the EP and such a crazy thing to find in our journey. Now that’s just the first thing we saw in the land of the mad, imagine what the rest feels like, my goodness, is it going to be more chaotic? Or more calmer? Or we just gonna meet our worse?
Well let’s find out on the second track titled “Mind Descending,” a song that feels like a second in command to the master. This track is amazing as it follows suit of the first track but has its own juice and content which makes it interesting. Yes you can be an apprentice and either follow your master in everything or have your own ways of doing the same thing, and this track just epitomizes that. That track gives this vibe of meeting a mad man and asking why he’s married to a mad woman, why not marry a sane person who will be your better half? Well in this track, you’re no more going insane, you’re insane already, the drive, the energy and the pace at which this goes just makes you realize how beautiful Coma Beach can create masterpieces. This track pushes your further into insanity, a more darker place and a territory of no return, but who knows the surprise that may come? Sometimes that’s life, you just can’t give up, but to keep pushing and pushing till it’s your last breath, so go insane for whatever that will make you achieve your dreams. The track’s relentless drumming and those brooding bass lines, it’s Terror infused atmosphere signals and impending doom, which creates this feeling of suffocating yet compelling. This attest to the band’s ability to craft music with complex emotions. Now the next track is prolly ma favourite, when people think yeah, leave him alone, he acts like it’s only him that’s struggling, it’s only him that has people to feed, then you let them know how “Absurd” it is for them to think that way, and show them you can be mad and still calm. Sometimes you’ve to shift focus and let them know the societal standards they follow won’t save them, they should stop being hypocrites and quench their thirst for power and be the only sane ones. Let them know you don’t care, cos they don’t feel your pain, they don’t experience what you do, since their life is softer, f*ck them with their absurdity and live your life. Let them know, irrespective of your pain and everything, you can be as calm and sane as them, but they don’t get your frustrations, because life’s green to them and they think they have experienced half of what you have. The last track that brings the EP to and end is “Jesus’ Tears”, a track that you need listen to and enjoy this amazing EP and don’t forget the hidden gem track “I won’t Listen”, man, just hop on this EP and trust me, you will repeat it while day.
Well, to me, Coma Beach has crafted a masterpiece that transcends conventional music. The way they blended their influences, instrumentations and their lyrics, it makes this EP one of the bests. The amount of details and not deviating from their signature style makes it a really intriguing piece. The way each song makes you involved and connected is wholesome, you could feel yourself in the music, it’s like you’re the one experiencing everything each song gives, it makes you feel the anguish, pain and trauma that protagonist in the song went through, such a blessing to experience Coma Beach. Man you guys killed it and I love it. So why don’t you go ahead and give the EP a listen, it might just be what you need. ENJOY!! Also kindly do well to check them out on the links below for more;