
Music Blog, Reviews, Rising Stars & Superstars


2 min read

Will B’s first official single is an audacious and deeply Afro-house-infused reimagining of Frank Ocean’s now widely recognized track called Novacane. This rework is not simply a remix, but it is a comprehensive reconstruction that highlights Will B’s brain and skills as a burgeoning performer in the competitive niche of electronic music. Being East London-born and St. Lucian in descent, Will B has new perspectives of culture, and he combines tribal beats and slices of electronica to make a stunning spin of an old favorite.

Will B

The deep, tribal effects burst through the first time the track plays, along with some funky wavy earpads, which set the mood of the song from the beginning. The pitter-patter of Frank Ocean’s well-known voice meets up with funky synths and some textured layering that makes the music feel even more interesting. Will B’s insertion of tribal sounds, numerous vocal modulates, and a bouncy bass solidifies the perceived genre of the song even more, as the combination of these ingredients gives the song an Afro-house feeling. All of these ingredients work in perfect harmony to elevate the track to a new level while maintaining its original depth and richness of spirit.

The genre’s veterans and newcomers alike are familiar with Will B’s work after the likes of Black Coffee rated his track a full five start even before it went live. Such appreciation serves as proof of Will B’s skill in creating a compelling sound for a diverse audience. Already remixed, if this is made as a promotion, then nostalgically soft to introduce Will B to the world, judging by the levels of the sample approval, this appears to be far from the reality. Will B is a name to remember, and they will have original tracks coming out later this year. Here on Will B’s social networks, you may read of his further projects, all of which are signaled. This is just the beginning of an exciting musical journey that is expected to establish a wealth of epic content.

Follow Will B on Sound Cloud, Bandcamp and Instagram

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