2 min read
Active Captive, a band consisting of Justin Han (vocals and synths), Cassie Brandi (vocals and keys), Jason Heninger (guitar), Israel Doria (mixing and guitar), Carlos Jordan (bass), and Henry Gillard (drums), defies genre boundaries, creating a unique and amazing songs that reflects their belief that everything in music is connected. Their song speaks to a celebration of life’s contradictions and the strength that arises from embracing them.
The band’s track record includes performances like the Music Mixer ATX Studio Set, which was broadcast via livestream and filmed by Becca Rodriguez, known for her work with the Black Pumas. These experiences have helped Active Captive connect with audiences leaving a lasting impact.
One of the standout tracks by Active Captive is “I Can’t Explain” from their “Saudaze” EP. This song talks about the turmoil and struggles of life that feels meaningless and unfulfilling. It captures the writer’s confusion as they grapple with a sense of being lost and unable to find a way out. The lyrics sends a message of yearning for something unexplainable and a deep desire for more.
The “Saudaze” EP, which includes “I Can’t Explain,” was made during a time of significant personal change for the band’s writer. This background adds depth to the EP and enhances the emotional impact of the songs. “I Can’t Explain” talks about the feeling of one’s 20s, not necessarily how they were but how they felt. The lyrics paint a picture of returning to familiar places, old bones, and neon twilight. There’s a sense of time slipping away, lost in the moment. The chorus expresses the need for something unexplainable, a craving for more even if it comes with a bitter taste. It talks about the idea that, despite the challenges and uncertainties, it’s a path worth traveling because it’s the only way they know.
Active Captive’s “I Can’t Explain” and their broader work embrace the messiness of life, allowing contradictions and conflicts to be a source of strength and inspiration. Their ability to express these complexities in music relates deeply with listeners, making them an act to watch as they continue pushing the boundaries of artistic expression. Do well to hit on the links below fore more info;