
Music Blog, Reviews, Rising Stars & Superstars


3 min read

If you’re really a big fan of country music then you’ve probably heard the name of a rising star in that genre who has gotten people talking lately and omg, yes, he is worth all the hype he gets. Well and if you’re a fan from other genres then I’m here to introduce a rising star to you, a country music artist, born talented and makes music that’s really polished and enjoyable, I give you Robert Bacon. One thing is anytime he releases a song, you’ll hear people talking about him everywhere and with his new release, “Out Of The Blue”, it’s already making waves, and has caught many’s attention.

Written by Charlie Brown and Robert himself, “Out Of The Blue” is a song that talks about how people only realize the true value of something when they’re almost losing it or when they’ve completely lost it. This song talks about how people don’t value their partners in relationships until it’s almost over or at the point where it can’t be fixed and Robert’s storytelling just makes this a beautiful song. Don’t sit and loose that valuable thing or let go off that valuable partner cos of some ego, be patient,solve all issues and love without conditions. Listened to it severally cos I also had moments like that in life, when you can relate to that song, it makes it feel Soo good listening and that’s why I want you to give it a good listen,repeat and understand the song, ya ain’t gonna be disappointed.

As the song progresses, the lyrics paints a clear picture of how bad it gets after the relationship has been lost, then you start feeling lonely and start thinking about who lost or who won but then it’s too late to do anything about it. Why? Cos you fumbled trying to play a blame game when things started getting bad, instead of you to stand up and put in efforts to save the relationship you were waiting for the other partner to do it. This right here kills many relationships and we don’t even realize it sometimes, cos no one wants to look like the fool in the relationship and this song perfectly gives us a clear narrative of the matter. It’s a masterpiece well crafted and written, the lyrics are good and the vocals man Soo on point making it enjoyable during or after those moments. It’s a song everyone can resonate with making it a must listen.

When Robert Bacon was asked about the inspiration of this song, he actually said it’s something that has happened to him before. He took someone for granted and by the time he wanted to make things right, it was too late and this is why the lyrics are so relatable because, in a way, Robert is telling us what happened to him and what to learn from it. I love it.

“Out Of The Blue” shows just how good of an artist Robert Bacon is and how he is making so much waves in the industry and on social media . With this song he continues to rise through and climb the ladder and very soon, he’ll be at the top. This song reminds us to recognize the value of what we have before it’s lost forever. So go ahead and give it a listen and experience how truly amazing Robert Macon is, ENJOY!!! Don’t forget to check out these links below for more info;






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