3 min read
Life they say has a beautiful way of surprising us all and therefore you can’t be judgemental always on people’s choices. Inasmuch as people have their preferences and we can’t fault them for it, sometimes let’s celebrate the little things and keep those who don’t agree to at least reconsider. I have a song here from the all amazing Kelsie Kimberlin titled “Twinkle.” A song which only does not show her talent and immense abilities but also comes a heartwarming tribute to transgender youth, which essentially embodies themes of love, acceptance, and resilience. Sometimes we should just let people be and see them for their hearts rather than some reasons which doesn’t even bother us. Sometimes the energy and vibe people brings in our lives outweighs any form of racism or slander for sex choices, see people for who they truly are and let everything be secondary, and that’s why you’ve gotta listen to this song titled Twinkle, and experience the magic of people with good vibes and energy that changes your day and life.
Now this song “Twinkle” opens beautifully with this amazing pop elements which happily sets this serene tone, then captures your attention with the soothing vocals of Kelsie. The song lyrics then goes on to lay emphasis on, and celebrate the beauty and uniqueness of a 12-year-old transgender girl named Dempsey Jara, portraying her inner light, joy and energy she brings to the people around her. In a world where there were no gender wars, life should have been simple as this, see people for who they are, what they bring and their energy around you. Sometimes your day might be horrible and you will meet this person who doesn’t even know you, and all of sudden your day is lightened by their actions or something they said. Humanity must always win and therefore I don’t see why you’d hate on someone because they appear as something you don’t like, without even getting to know them really, life is beyond sitting behind your screens and saying all the B’s you say to people. Go out, touch grass and experience people’s personality and enjoy their company.
Then as the song progresses you hear lines like “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, you are what you are”, sending out a powerful message of self-acceptance and defiance against societal prejudice. Now what’s even more mesmerizing about this song is the video it comes with, a video directed by Kelsie Kimberlin herself, keeps things simple but meaningful. Not only does it complement the song but also adds depth of finding and enjoying the best moments with people than being judgemental. The video which was shot in Orlando, Florida is a touching piece that features Kelsie bonding with Dempsey Jara, sharing joyful moments at the Gaylord Ice Sculptures and Disney World, showing how beautiful it is to enjoy people’s personality and their warmth. The beautiful video also goes on to show the love Dempsey gets from her family and the support they give her irrespective of her transgender status. Aside all the beautiful melodies and nice visuals, the song wants us to stop discriminating people, especially transgenders and rather see people beyond that, and love everyone the way they are.
Well this song Twinkle ain’t just any song, it’s a heartfelt melody that ask us to accept diversity and equality. With its deep resonating lyrics and beautiful instrumentation, the song is amazing, well crafted and polished to its finest, matched with a top notch delivery which captures your attention from that play button. So why don’t you go ahead and give this song a listen and have a wonderful week. ENJOY!! Make sure to check her out on the links below for more;