The band KARMA has released yet another holiday-themed song titled "The Mistletoe", it brilliantly accentuates the spirit of the holidays...
In this life, one thing that's mostly cherished by most people is the female figure in everyone's life, to me...
Love they say has it one meaning, but some also have crafted their own meaning to what they think love...
Sometimes do you sit down and think about how love use to be back in the days compared to now?...
Lemme ask you guys a question. Have you been in this situation where temptation and desire begins to creep into...
You know those moments where words can't even express your pain, your happiness or your mood, then you chance on...
Man, I don't know how people do it but people are crazily talented and understand this music thingy, the way...
The believe to be able to achieve anything as a woman and even as a person is something we all...
They say the simplest things of life is what makes life beautiful and therefore it's the same little things that...
Having an unrequited love is one thing that no one wants to experience, so sometimes we wanna know if the...