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Lemme ask you guys a question. Have you been in this situation where temptation and desire begins to creep into your thoughts and you begin to fantasize about dangerous adventures of sensualities? Like you wanna explore some really intriguing and dangerous desires, but there’s also this fear in there of what ifs. Then you give up, but again the temptation comes and now all you wanna do is be with that person, feel them, desire them, touch them in a way that makes you feel like you wanna live inside them and rather be touching their inner feelings and bring them alive? Crazy right, such a delight is what Anacy’s latest single “Delight” is about. A song that is bold and adventurous in digging deep into the wells of desire and temptation, set against a backdrop of sensual electro-pop vibes and indie elements that will leave you wanting for more. It’s alluring lyrics, delivery and sensual atmosphere it creates makes you wanna do some forbidden pleasures, it’s a song for your couples night and those moments 😜.

Now this song Delight is really captivating, the way it was created as if it was dug out of the depths of the greatest mines in the world, but in the Cosher Studios which was beautifully mixed and mastered at Sunset Studios in Cape Town with producers Ross Rowley, Tanner Mason, and Melissa Van Der Spay. Together they have created a live pleasurable masterpiece that moves through the veins and body of listeners filling them with thoughts of sensualities and asking them to not be afraid to explore their most dangerous desires, who knows it might be what you just needs. What’s beautiful about the song is Anacy’s vocals, man it’s soo smooth and enjoyable that it makes you wanna experience such dangerous desires that’s been burning inside of you. The delight you’ve always wanted but afraid of, the song just makes you wanna dive in it without thinking twice, with a story of falling in love with the wrong person and the results of the actions that follows. It’s like being with someone with different interests, what you wish to do, they don’t wish to, but you also desire them soo much that you just wanna touch them, do nasty stuffs with them and hope for the best. The emotional depth of the song is just crazy, man it’s creates room for you to ponder on your decisions. The melodies, those slow pulsating beats, man it’s just crazy and addictive, with lines like “I’ve never been a sinner, always stayed in the lines, but with him, the rules are denied” signaling the dark thoughts that comes with desire. Then the chorus, whew, beautiful, dark and catchy, you just wish the song never ends. Man Anacy really is the truth, she knows how to craft music and for that I give it to her. I love this song soo much and I’m addicted to it. You don’t get many good ones like this and this is beyond conventional music. You get vibes of Lana del Rey in here which I love soo much too, wow, I’m just overjoyed with her creativity and ability to weave together dark sensualities with sincerity and vulnerability.

Well this song, “Delight” by Anacy is an embodiment of creativity and innovation. It goes on to show the growth and dedication Anacy has achieved since her debut. It’s a song that will definitely be on your favorite playlist, the lyrics, the melodies, the beats and it’s atmosphere coupled with its delivery makes it a 10/10 masterpiece. So why don’t you go ahead and give this song a listen and have a taste of good music. ENJOY!! Make sure to check her out on the links below for more;




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