2 min readOften a time people in power get too attached to the power that they forget who got them in power. Yet they fail to serve those who brought them into power and tend to feed their pockets instead and forget about the people, but what they don’t think of is that those who brought them in power can also rise against them. When the people rally against you, you may beg them to forgive you but then it might be too late, and the funny thing is they think they control everything, when all it takes is for one person to start an action. Well this song titled “Legion” (from Sir-Vere’s “LoveScope” album) comes in as a powerful anthem to remind those in power that, real power belongs to the people and therefore they should be cautious with the way they treat the public when they get power.
Now this song led by the vocals of Craig Hammond and Ian McEwan then we have Gary Morland’s guitars, bass and synths and Stevie Vega’s synths and DJ skills, comes in with its potent message and lively musicality stands out as an optimistic battle cry for vast populations and a stark warning for those who are in high places. To me, “Legion” is a tour de force. A song that comes in hot and intensified with tight guitar riffs merged with rapid beats and sizzling synths to create one lightning-hot sound, carried on up those rhythms and excellent background vocals to give it the edge to leave a lasting impression on listeners. The intensity of the song lets you know how urgent the message of the song is. The song’s lyrics is a call to arms for people to remember that the real power behind any government or military operation is not held up within such institutions, but rather in unorganized collective strength which is nothing short of a human potential. But the song’s frequent refrain stating “My name is Legion, for we are many” hints at a warning for those in power and also a reminder that they are ultimately responsible to the public.
Well, “Legion” is a high-impact track that blends lots of musical elements and rhythms with deep lyrics reminding of the force behind collective action and why ordinary people must hold people in high places responsible for their deeds. Because the world is now being shaken by seismic shifts in power, “Legion” comes out as an inspiring and powerful message in these tough times. Have a wonderful week and be your brother’s keeper. ENJOY!! Make sure to check Sir-Vere out on the links below for more;