4 min read
Man, classical music is sometimes the best form musical instrumentation masterpiece you will ever get, the way those cellos, flutes, violins blends together and each having their own part and journey makes it soo much beautiful. Well today I’ve got Her Ensemble’s version of Joanna Borrett’s “Clan” which premiered at Birmingham’s Elgar Concert Hall, marking a significant event in the celebration of women in music. One thing I’ve come across these years is that, mostly women don’t wanna venture into this music thingy and with Joanna, she’s actually created a platform for women to also join the music scenes and show the world what they got. Now why this version? Well with a mission to spotlight compositions by female artists, Her Ensemble brings Borrett’s narrative-driven piece to life with a modern flair and audience engagement, breathing fresh breath into overlooked musical treasures.
This album “Clan,” which was originally composed by Borrett, is an amazing classical cello and piano masterpiece that tells the story of an ancient Scottish clan that is emotionally charged to resonates deeply with the listener. The slow tempos and tunes from those cellos and piano damn, I wish I could listen to it all day and with this one Borrett takes listeners on a classical musical journey that beautifully narrates the history and heritage of this indigenous Scottish community. One thing is Borrett’s rich musical background, including studying at The Moscow Conservatoire, lends depth and authenticity to her compositions. Now Her Ensemble’s version of “Clan” is just wow, the moment you start listening to the first track, you get a transformative experience, like how they reimagined Borrett’s original cello piece for a string ensemble, that’s absolutely nuts. But then you get to know they drew inspiration from cinematic classics like “Dances with Wolves” and “Braveheart,” it’s an everlasting crazy performance which actually takes listeners on an intimate journey through Scotland’s rugged landscapes and rich heritage.
Setting the stage for the rest of the album to follow suit is the track “One Morning.” This beauty of a track start with this intricate piano melodies which grows from the morning dew and sprout out beautiful when the sun is out. As the track grows, the other elements joins in and puts the listener into this atmosphere where you woke up one morning only to find out everything you clan has fought for is going to waste. Then the more listen to the track, it also feels like a journey that y’all took one day morning, leaving those memory filled settlement behind for a better place where you have no idea about. The next track I wanna highlight is the track titled “Betrayal.” This masterpiece just takes you back to that ancient days where the king was betrayed by his very best trust warrior. You can feel the tension, pain and anguish in those piano and violins, then as the track progresses, you experience the creativity in there to be able to let all the instruments come together, grow and complement each other. Then as the track is nearing an end, the tension and uproar of the instruments get bigger and bigger, allowing the listener to savour the grief and pain of betrayal. Bringing the album to a close is the last song “Circle”. Well this track just lays low, then allows the listener to hear the violins notes grow from afar like in circles, then the other instruments joins the fun and takes the whole listening experience to another level. It’s like it creates this atmosphere that whatever starts from the beginning will come back at you, then ends beautifully with this alarming drum, hinting at a certain urgency needed. Wow, that’s some beautiful interpretation of the Clan album from Her Ensemble. They invite listeners to join them on a journey that is unforgettable and touching. Man you can’t skip any track and all you wanna do is, lay down, sit and let the album play and have your cool moments.
Well Clan by Her Ensemble and Joanna Borrett ain’t just your regular album, this is a masterpiece of instrumentation and storytelling. The way they make those musical instruments speaks directly to your soul is unmatched and makes you wanna listen to it all day. The way they blend those instruments and have minimal lyrics, yet captivating tells you all you need to know about them. To me, it’s the best classical album you will have this year, so why don’t you go ahead and give it a good listen and have a wonderful week. ENJOY!! Make sure to check them out on the links below for more;