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I love the diversities that comes with music, like everyone has their own unique way of making their messages and voices heard and it’s no different with Paul Bibbins who comes from Dallas. His new EP titled “Disenchantment at a Distance,” is one hell of an EP that I know you fans can’t wait to hear. Well it’s here and it’s beautiful. It’s a 4 song EP that kicks off with beautiful songs and soundtracks making the whole EP an unforgettable experience. Starting the EP is Bold, Beautiful and Long Gone, then Thrill Walk comes with Disenchantment at a Distance crawling in and signing off to what has been a successful journey is Vista Valley Drift.

According to Wolk’s the EP really speaks a lot about Bibbins’ musical ability and even compares him to the legendary Jimi Hendrix, in his style of music. The unexpected twist in this EP is something that’s gonna get you hooked to the very last track. The EP is indeed a masterclass of an EP and without doubt the best I’ve listened to within the week.

Now there’s one song that caught ma attention and lemme tell you something about this song title “Bold, Beautiful and Long Gone”. The song paints a clear picture paint a vivid picture of a a past relationship, with Bibbins talking about a past love. As the song goes on you get to feel the emotional journey on the walk along a Scottish loch and golden sandy beach. All of these captures how complex that relationship was even tho that woman was cold, bold and beautiful regardless of the nature of the relationship.

It’s a song that talks about what most of us are facing in our relationships. You get to be with a toxic partner who is either too beautiful to let go or spoils you with money so you can’t leave after the toxicity. It’s a song everyone can relate to and one that you must get on, trust me after the first beat drop there’s no going back. After years of tolerating that lover you finally bid farewell to them in a golden way. You’ve had enough.

Man this EP is really an embodiment of mastery creation. The sounds, beats and lyrics on the EP is out of this world. Are you sure you wanna miss out on this one? Haha no waaay just go give it a f**king listen and treat yourself to something unique and good. The last track that ends the EP tho, simply amazing, just go check it out you’d be surprised. Go ahead and give “Disenchantment at a Distance” a listen and have a feel of Bibbins World. Make sure to check him out on the links below;




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