Sometimes many kids turn up as fucked up adults and that's because they never had a father figure in their...
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In this life finding a partner or someone that may love you the way you love them is all that...
The kinda love and relationships we experience these days are just meh, cos if you compare them to the ones...
I don't know why but sometimes it's good to be deluded by your own self, but too much of it?...
You know sometimes the simplest stuffs in life are what makes it extremely exciting and enjoyable. It's not about the...
I always say music is a soul for the food and sometimes you need more of it and that's why...
Famous electronic music producer MINNO is back again with something entirely new to add to his collection of masterpieces. His...
In this life, whatever you do sometimes life is gonna eat you up and that's when sometimes music become your...
You know that moment when you get home and you're like yes that's the person I wanna spend ma life...
Sometimes all you need is some music playing and talking to you, helping you reflect on you weakness, your mistakes...