The band KARMA has released yet another holiday-themed song titled "The Mistletoe", it brilliantly accentuates the spirit of the holidays...
In this life, one thing that's mostly cherished by most people is the female figure in everyone's life, to me...
mUmbo, a London-based rock trio, has been working on sync projects in the first half of 2024, which captures the...
Eddie Cohn's single, “Keep Them Away”, touches on the concepts of freedom and perseverance. The song’s tune resembles U2's fury,...
In this life, the best thing that could happen to everyone is finding their true self and making their purpose...
Sometimes I do miss the early 2000s hip-hop music soo much that it pains me people don't revisit those beats...
One thing that people sometimes don't consider is how difficult it is to manage a lot of sources of income,...
In this world, we all wanna be independent and just live life the way we want to, but sometimes even...
In a world where chaos and struggles keeps coming away, sometimes we need a break away from it and just...
When life gets tougher and harder, that's when you gotta be calm, resilient and show some level of perseverance. You...