4 min read
I always say music is a soul for the food and sometimes you need more of it and that’s why people actually do create albums, cos sometimes you wanna be kept in a loop of feeling that comes with different emotions and this is exactly what Producer , arranger and rapper FUMEZ has for us on his latest album “Phaze Two”. This 12 song album is an embodiment of beauty, creativity and innovation, which just goes on to show why he’s the best at what he does best and why he’s in a league of his own. What’s unique about this album “Phaze Two” is, it’s actually marks a very significant milestone in his career since he debut on MySpace Music in 2006 as it shows he has really grown so much as an artist and a producer. Ready to dive? Let’s hope in.
Now this album starts with an intro and just after the intro of the album, the album kickstarts with the song “The Beginning of It All”. A song that is a Calmar remix featuring Calmar himself. This song is calm and beautiful. The way the song soo calmly with those trumpets like melodies which infuses the drums and other elements to create this immersive listening experience makes it worth it even before the vocals sets in. Then when your attention has been caught, you’re blessed with this trap rap which flows immaculately on the beats to spit out the excitement and thrill of falling in love. The lyrics are clear and makes it easy to sing along, then those switches in intensity and energy leave the listener thrilled with the experience. It’s a storytelling masterpiece that lay emphasis on love at first sight and the happiness in wanting to spend the rest of your life with them. The feeling, the joy and happiness that comes with just seeing their smile and face, whew that’s something everyone can resonate with. The beats , the vocals and lyrics helps the listener imagine how beautiful that feeling really is and the storytelling is just 10/10, FLAWLESS!.
The next song I’ll talk about is “Just Be Yourself”, the 8th song on the album. This is a beautiful song that talks about being real and staying true to yourself, accepting you for who you really are and not getting pressured by what society expects from you. Why should you even be intimated by what people think or expect of you? Why should you let your life be written by people who don’t know what you really go through? Define your own life, don’t be a puppet to anyone, don’t get afraid to be yourself. Live life the way you want it and make sure in the end you achieved what you really wanted and not what someone says. This is the perfect song for anyone who’s going through a lot of pressure from the expectations people have put on them or what people expect of them. It’s a very great song with a powerful message, filled with emotions and leaves you to ponder on your life and choices.
Then the album comes to a perfect ending with the song “The End of it All”. An infectious synths inspired beats with a high tempo to give you that EDM feel with techno vibes that I love soo much. It’s a song that talks about love, loss, heartbreak and the emotional trauma you can go through when a relationship you gave your all to comes to an unexpected end. Life can be cruel and sometimes the best people are the ones that gets hurt the most. So when it happens, I want you to just keep going and know that they didn’t deserve your love. It’s difficult and painful, especially when the memories of moments you had together lingers around. The song creates this atmosphere that lets you reflect on your own experiences, yeah you miss them and you want them to know that you love them and you really wish to move on, but you invested soo much to just let go. See this is probably the best arranged album I’ve listened to, from track 1, taking about falling in love with someone, and then follow through the album with the storyline to end the album with how track 1 ended is amazing.
Well Phaze Two by FUMEZ is just an amazing body of work. The beats, the lyrics , the vocals and the message each of the 12 songs on the album sends is just incredible and how they’re arranged shows you how much effort, dedication and hardwork it took to make this album and that is something you just gotta respect. I can say this a solid 10/10 project, so go ahead and give “Phaze Two” a listen and feed your soul to some real music, ENJOY!. Make sure to check him out on the links below for more;